Online Messages
We have a high-view of the Bible and base our teaching on what it says, finding relevant ways of communicating God’s eternal truths. But we also try to not take ourselves too seriously and have fun. We want you to be encouraged, blessed, and challenged by what God has shared with us!
- All-In: The Family
- Broken Signposts
- Celebration Sundays
- Church Playlist
- Church Playlist 2023
- Fruit of the Spirit
- He Gets Us
- INTENTIONAL | Living in the New Year
- Loving Ain't Easy
- New Year's Revolution
- One Hit Wonders
- Pray First
- Priorities
- Resilient
- Running On Empty
- Sacred Words
- Second to None
- Seven
- Silent Nights
- Someone Is Coming
- Soundtracks
- The Good in the Grief
- The Greatest Love
- The Heart of the Matter
- We Don't Talk About That
- What Is Love?
- Who's Your One?
- gratitude
- the UNSEEN
Faith & Sexuality
It’s hard to imagine a topic that has dominated our cultural, religious, legislative, and judicial conversations more than issues surrounding human sexuality. Even within the confines of our churches, it can be a complex and often divisive issue. As believers, we are called to love our neighbors as ourselves, including those who identify differently than ourselves. While the Bible clearly defines marriage as a lifelong union between one man and one woman, it also calls us to extend grace and compassion to all people. It's important to remember that everyone, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, is created in the image of God and deserves to be treated with dignity and respect.
As much as every person is made in the image of God and worthy of our love, sin also affects all people, Christian or otherwise. Lust, infidelity, and objectification of any sort are harmful, destructive, and outside of God's plan for healthy & holy sexuality. Rather than focusing solely on the sexuality of others, we should examine our own hearts and seek God's forgiveness for our own shortcomings, reveling in Jesus’ amazing grace towards us. We are called to be people of truth, yes … but also those of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
#Faith #Sexuality #WeDon’tTalkAboutThat
Faith & Politics
One of the most contentious and divisive topics in our culture, especially in the United States, is politics. And it becomes exponentially more acrimonious every four years with the return of our presidential elections. At all times, politics seem to bring out the absolute worst, the most base and ugly traits, that humanity has to offer. This is not how God intends His creation to operate!
For those of us who claim to follow Jesus, we must be different than this. This is not to say that we should divorce our faith from our politics - quite the contrary! Rather, every aspect of our engagement in the political realm must be informed and governed by our faith … including how we go about this engagement. First and foremost, we must show our allegiance to the Lamb rather than to the donkey or the elephant (or any other icon). In our world today, this can be incredibly difficult, but it is essential for Jesus-followers and necessary for the thriving of humanity.
#Faith #Politics #WhatIsYourFaithIn #WeDon’tTalkAboutThat
Faith & Suffering
One of the most often cited reasons for questioning the existence (or at least the goodness) of God is the exposure of suffering in the world. It's often posited as some variation of: “If God exists, why is there so much suffering in the world? It must mean He's either not powerful enough to stop it or not good enough to care about it.” The faith of many has been shipwrecked on the rocks of this argument.
And too often, the response of Christians has been rather dismissive, offering little more than trite answers or appeals to simply just “trust God more” in lieu of wrestling with the tragic reality that pain, injustice, and evil do permeate our world. Fortunately, God is not silent on this issue, even if His followers have been, at times. The Bible offers insight into the problem and hope through its answer, if we're willing to authentically engage the conversation.
#Faith #Suffering #Hope #WeDon’tTalkAboutThat
Faith & Pluralism
Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14.6) This is a bold claim, a claim that draws a line in the sand in a world that often rejects and blurs them - but it's rooted in the very nature of God and His plan for salvation. It's not a message of arrogance or superiority, but rather a declaration of love.
How can we hold firmly to this truth while still being winsome, considerate, and kind to those who disagree? The answer lies in the power of the gospel and the grace of God, in the very nature of who Jesus was, is, and evermore will be. We must approach conversations with humility, listening attentively and seeking to understand. Our goal isn't to win arguments, but to win hearts. By sharing our faith with gentleness and respect, and by living a life that reflects the love of Christ, we can point others to the only true path to salvation, to the help, hope, and healing that can only truly be found in Jesus.
#Faith #Pluralism #Holiness #Respect #Truth #Love #WeDon’tTalkAboutThat
Faith & the Least of These
In the heart of Jesus' teachings, we find a profound and compelling call to love our neighbors, especially the most vulnerable among us. He challenges us to consider how our actions or in-actions reveal the true state of our hearts, especially when those actions will not benefit us at all. There are eternal consequences to how we respond to the needs of the the most vulnerable around us.
As Christians, we are called to be a people who embody the love of Christ in our words and deeds - these two areas cannot be divorced! We need to honestly explore the implications of how this intersects our lives today. What does it means to love the those in need and at risk in practical and tangible ways? How we respond to this call will shape our identity as followers of Jesus and massively affect our impact in and on this world.
#Faith #TheVulnerable #TheLeastOfThese #ImageOfGod #WeDon’tTalkAboutThat
Faith & Abuse
Even in an age and a culture that claims to talk about anything and everything, some things are still woefully suppressed and shamed when discussed. Unfortunately, what is hidden often grows, and, when evil is hidden, it consumes and destroys like uncontrolled cancer. So we need to ask: Have you ever been unjustly controlled, manipulated, or even physically hurt? Maybe by a family member, a friend, or someone in a position of authority? These experiences are real, painful, and leave lasting scars.
But here's the thing: you are not alone. The Bible speaks directly to the issue of abuse, from the Old Testament stories of injustice to the New Testament teachings on love and compassion. Tragically, those who may have escaped the destructive ruin of abuse themselves can perpetuate abuse that has occurred by minimizing, excusing, or dismissing what others have endured. Thankfully, there are biblical truths that address all forms of abuse, including physical, emotional, sexual, and spiritual abuse. How does God view abuse, and how is humanity supposed to respond?
#Faith #Abuse #ImageOfGod #WeDon’tTalkAboutThat
Faith & Human Dignity
In a world that often seems to devalue human life, it's crucial to remember that every individual is created in the image of God. This means we need to honor and respect the profound dignity and worth of each human life - even of those with whom we profoundly disagree. We need to do this on the basis of many biblical principles that affirm each of our unique value and importance to God. And, if something or someone is important to God, it should be important to us, too.
Every human life is a precious gift from God. In a culture that often prioritizes convenience, pleasure, and personal gain above all else, we need to be reminded of the sacredness of life at every stage. The Bible teaches us to value and protect life, regardless of a person's circumstances or abilities, to see the inherent worth of every individual. And because of this, we need to celebrate that worth and value and dignity in a way that reflects God's love and compassion.
#Faith #HumanDignity #ImageOfGod #ImagoDei #WeDon’tTalkAboutThat
Faith & Mental Health
Our world can often feel overwhelming … and finding solace and strength to keep moving forward can be challenging. Major studies across the world have identified an epidemic of mental health concerns, with the CDC indicating suicide as the third highest cause of death in young people in their most recent report. Unfortunately, the church has been prone to dismiss some of the struggles of the mind and the heart, offering instead silence (at best) or derision (at worst).
Instead, we need to explore the intersection of faith and mental health, offering a compassionate and relatable perspective. By breaking down the stigma surrounding mental health, we can create a safe space for individuals to share their experiences, find support, and ultimately encounter the greatest hope possible - the good news of Jesus. Faith can be a source of comfort and guidance during life's most difficult moments, and it is not intrinsically at odds with psychology, therapy, medication, or other “secular” supports.
#Faith #MentalHealth #aLightInTheDark #DarknessIsReal #WeDon’tTalkAboutThat
Faith & Doubt
Over countless centuries, humanity has wrestled with the issue of how faith intersects with doubt, often resulting in extreme responses. For some, we simply reject faith as a viable option for thinking and rational people, scoffing at and belittling those of religious persuasion. For others, we demonize doubts and questions that are raised in the arena of faith, ostracizing and even excommunicating those who dare to question even the most minor tenets of belief. In recent years, an experience called deconstruction has swept the evangelical world, seeing even prominent and revered members publicly dismantling and ultimately renouncing their previously deeply-held convictions.
But there is another viable and faithful third-way. If the veracity of our faith is based merely in the strength of our convictions and how passionately we hold them, that faith is susceptible to being quickly eroded by the vicissitudes of life. But if the object of our faith is of true worth and rightly aligns with reality, that faith can withstand and endure scrutiny. And it is of utmost importance for all of us to discern between that which is essential dogma and that which is of lesser importance in our belief systems.
#Faith #Doubt #WeDon’tTalkAboutThat
Celebrating the Good News
Pastor & author Mark Batterson once wrote in a book on prayer, “Celebrate what you want to see more of. That’s one way to fan into flame the gift of God.” And it can be said another way: what you celebrate is what you replicate. So what are we celebrating?
A Jesus-centered life is a journey of faith, a process that begins, sustains, and ends with Jesus. And for all the other ways we talk about it, the gospel is that process. It's the foundation, for sure, but it also empowers us to live out our purpose & joy and points to the fulfillment of the entire adventure - forever with our loving and beloved Savior. And if this is true, what can we be more right to celebrate than this very, very good news.
#TheGoodInTheGrief #GoodNews #Gospel #CelebratingTheGoodNews
What Gets in the Way of the Gospel
One of the most frequently asserted accusations against those who claim to follow Jesus is but a single word: hypocrisy. And while hearing this stings for Christians, a further wound remains … it is often true. Even though following Jesus doesn't mean that someone will be perfect, too often we fail to allow the Holy Spirit to transform us into what the gospel calls us to be.
If we want to be those who embrace and declare the good news, we need to take a hard look at whether or not we're living in light of it, from what we do to what we say and (often even more importantly) how we do and say what we do and say. If the eternal destinies of those around us actually matter to us, we'll have to be willing to admit where we're falling short of the gospel - and the sometimes painful job of changing and repairing the damages we've done.
#TheGoodInTheGrief #GoodNews #Gospel #WhatGetsInTheWayOfTheGospel
Telling Others How Good The Gospel Really Is
Did you know that the fear of public speaking is the most common legitimate and diagnosable phobia - ahead of heights, spiders, or even death? The National Institute of Mental Health reports that public speaking anxiety (or glossophobia) affects about 40% of the US population. Underlying this phobia is a fear of judgment or negative evaluation by others.
TL/DR, we're generally scared that people will judge, mock, or otherwise reject us based on what we say and how we say it.
Unfortunately for Jesus-followers, we often lean into this trepidation in a major way when it comes to speaking about our faith. We come up with excuses (with some that even sound highly spiritual!) for why we don't, can't, or won't use our words to share the Gospel of Jesus. But the reality is that Jesus - in all His love, grace, mercy, and compassion - doesn't let those excuses stand. So what does it look like to both showandtell others about this Good News?
#TheGoodInTheGrief #GoodNews #Gospel #SharingTheGoodNews
Living Like the Gospel Really Is Good News
The word gospel, at its simplest and most basic, means “good news.” The gospel of Jesus Christ is the good news that sinful people can be made right with God by repenting of their sin and trusting in Jesus as Savior and Lord to pay for the debt their sins have incurred. It is the foundational doctrine of the Christian faith.
But it doesn't end there - quite to the contrary, it truly only starts there. The gospel is not some secret knowledge, magic password, or spiritual key that unlocks heaven, only to be hung on a hook once you're “in” and then forgotten. Rather, the gospel is the primary lens through which Jesus-followers view reality and the motivating factor by which they live their lives. This good news must be lived and reproduced every day in the life of a Jesus-follower!
#TheGoodInTheGrief #GoodNews #Gospel #GoodWorks #Reconciliation
What’s So Good About the Good News?
It's an age-old question: “I've got good news and bad news. Which do you want first?” This is so often asked because, living in this broken world, even good news frequently neighbors with bad. It's evidence that our broken world is indeed broken. In religious circles, we call this reality sin. And sin itself is an umbrella term for a host of ideas, such as missing the mark, accidental harm, willful misdeeds, unconscious malfeasance, outright evil, and more.
But this seminal question is also evidence that, despite this sin & brokenness, there is still good. In fact, the good predates the bad, is greater than the bad, and will ultimately emerge fully, completely victorious over the bad. And the news of this good is not just good news, it's the greatest news ever. At the center of this news is that man Jesus, fully human yet fully Divine, who earned and crafted that victorious triumph over the bad and who beckons all to join in the grace, mercy, peace, hope, and love that it ensures.
#TheGoodInTheGrief #GoodNews #Gospel
One Hit Wonders | JUDE
“Because I said so.” If you were ever a child (which you were), you’ve heard this said. If you have ever been a parent, you’ve said it … or a teacher, coach, manager, or a host of other positions of authority. And it’s a declaration of just that - authority. It’s a way of communicating that someone should do something because someone else holds power, jurisdiction, or control over that first someone. And just as often as it’s been said, it has been received (even if it has been obeyed) with a sense of rebellion, some internal or external manifestation of “Who are you to tell me to do that!”
But the reality remains that authority is necessary for the flourishing of humanity, so long as it is held legitimately and exercised appropriately - yet we all seem to have an instinctual response against it. So how should we respond to those in authority? How do we know if someone who is claiming authority is right to do so? How do we respond differently if that authority is not valid or not executed justly? The answer is found in a constant theme of the Bible: truth and love.
#OneHitWonder #Jude #FalseTeaching #FalseTeachers #Truth
One Hit Wonders | THIRD JOHN
A famous scene from the Bible within the Passion account of Jesus finds Him standing before the Roman governor, where Pilate said to Jesus, “What is truth?” (John 18.38) This is a question posed by philosophers, scholars, & theologians the world over throughout the millennia. It is fundamental to every society, every worldview, and every person to ever have existed.
Often, we tend to allow those in authority to determine what truth really is. But what happens when these individuals who bear our trust act poorly? What do we do when those who seem to know much espouse error and call us to do the same? And how can we know that it's even happening? The answer truly does lie in how we respond to the first question: “What is truth?”
#OneHitWonder #ThirdJohn #Pride #Truth
One Hit Wonders | SECOND JOHN
"What's Love got to do with it?" This is the title of a song by Tina Turner. And it's a question that we're all forced to consider many times over in our lives. What is love, and why does it matter? What difference does it make? Isn't it just up to whoever is "feeling it" in a given moment? The reality is that, while we may all feel, express, receive, and perceive love in various ways, love itself is an objective reality, and it's one that's incompatible with certain behaviors while requiring others. It's our duty to discern the difference.
#OneHitWonder #SecondJohn #Love #Truth
One Hit Wonders | PHILEMON
“Unforgiveness is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die.” This quote (in one form or another) has been attributed to Saint Augustine, Nelson Mandela, Carrie Fisher, and more. Regardless of who said it first, it is beyond axiomatic - it rings true throughout the human experience. Then why-oh-why is it so hard for us to forgive?
The Bible is replete with calls to forgive others. But how do we do this when we have, in fact, been wronged, hurt, or taken advantage of by those needing forgiveness. Even in the shortest book the Apostle Paul wrote, we find a call to forgiveness - not because it is earned, but out of gratitude for our divine pardon. If we have been so forgiven, we must likewise forgive.
#OneHitWonder #Philemon #Context #Forgiveness