Living Like the Gospel Really Is Good News

The word gospel, at its simplest and most basic, means “good news.” The gospel of Jesus Christ is the good news that sinful people can be made right with God by repenting of their sin and trusting in Jesus as Savior and Lord to pay for the debt their sins have incurred. It is the foundational doctrine of the Christian faith. 

But it doesn't end there - quite to the contrary, it truly only starts there. The gospel is not some secret knowledge, magic password, or spiritual key that unlocks heaven, only to be hung on a hook once you're “in” and then forgotten. Rather, the gospel is the primary lens through which Jesus-followers view reality and the motivating factor by which they live their lives. This good news must be lived and reproduced every day in the life of a Jesus-follower! 

#TheGoodInTheGrief #GoodNews #Gospel #GoodWorks #Reconciliation

Message Series Description:

If you've ever encountered Christianity, it's likely that you've heard the term “Gospel” or the phrase “the Good News” thrown around. You might have been asked if you know it or if you believe it. It might have been peppered throughout a conversation as an axiomatic concept that surely everyone knows and understands, even though it doesn't mean much (or even anything) to you. Or perhaps you're on the other end of the spectrum, truly knowing, understanding, and living in light of this good news.

Whatever your experience with it, the reality is that this Good News is absolutely foundational to everything that is actually Christian. It is the irreducible centerpiece and central dogma of faith for a true Jesus-follower. Without it, those who claim the name of Jesus are without hope. So understanding it, living it, communicating it, and doing so rightly are non-negotiable for any Christian. In a world riddled with bad news, the Gospel really is the good to be found within the grief.

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Telling Others How Good The Gospel Really Is


What’s So Good About the Good News?