Online Messages

We have a high-view of the Bible and base our teaching on what it says, finding relevant ways of communicating God’s eternal truths. But we also try to not take ourselves too seriously and have fun. We want you to be encouraged, blessed, and challenged by what God has shared with us!

Resilient Grace Church Resilient Grace Church

Strength & Love

We all love a good story. We read books, go to movies, and watch shows that tell us tales of adventure and intrigue and excitement. And the thing about stories is that they're only good if there's a problem, something to resolve or overcome. We love the hero, but every hero needs a villain. We tend towards these stories because we can vicariously join in the victory without the cost of the struggle

Real life, though, is different. It isn't a neatly crafted narrative where the good guys always win and the calamity is avoided in an episode or a quick series. In reality, we all have to face hardship, pain, suffering, and grief … and it takes something special to navigate these treacherous waters: a resilient faith. And it's way more than just gritting our teeth and bearing it. 

#Resilient #Strength #Love

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Resilient Grace Church Resilient Grace Church


I don’t believe you.” That can be one of the hardest things we can hear from another person, especially when they matter to us. We instinctively want others to trust us, to count on our words to be viewed as containers of truth. When that belief is compromised, relationships suffer. But belief is more than just trust in the trustworthiness of another.

On a deep level, what we believe about the world shapes every decision we make, every emotion that we feel, and even every thought we think. Because of this, if our beliefs are not rooted in reality, in “true truth” as it were, our lives will invariably face turmoil and dissonance. Part of being a community that is resilient in the face of great difficulty is being a place where we’re all called to experience, wrestle with, and ultimately embrace the truest of truths. And, for Jesus-following people, this starts with the One whose name we bear.

#Resilient #BELIEVE

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Resilient Grace Church Resilient Grace Church


The world we live in is tough - there’s no denying that! But what makes the difference between navigating those difficulties and succumbing to them? Resilience - which is about developing the strength to endure challenges and return stronger, especially in matters of faith.

A resilient faith thrives in a community where genuine belonging, love, and support are present. It’s not just about holding the right beliefs but also actively living them out in relationships and within the culture, demonstrating truth and love in harmony. This kind of faith transforms lives and inspires others to experience help, hope, healing, and connection through shared purpose and intentional care.

#Resilient #BELONG

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