Online Messages

We have a high-view of the Bible and base our teaching on what it says, finding relevant ways of communicating God’s eternal truths. But we also try to not take ourselves too seriously and have fun. We want you to be encouraged, blessed, and challenged by what God has shared with us!

Who's Your One? Grace Church Who's Your One? Grace Church

WHO’S YOUR ONE? | Good News, Bad News

I've got good news and bad news. Which do you want first?” We've all heard this phrase at one time or another. More often than not, it's someone's way of trying to tell you something you really don't want to hear by offering some kind of token nicety alongside of it. But what if the bad news is something we already do know and the good news is the resolution we're all looking for, even if we don't know it?

The Bible is not silent on the brokenness we all encounter (and perpetuate) in this world. But that is NOT its primary message. Instead, the whole of Scripture is focused on God's unwavering pursuit of remedying that brokenness on our behalf, for our good, and to the glory of His sacrificial love for us. While human religions have pushed humanity to earn redemption & the favor of the Divine, the beauty of the Gospel is that we only need to acknowledge our brokenness and receive God's gift of life, eternal-and-full.

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Who's Your One? Grace Church Who's Your One? Grace Church

WHO’S YOUR ONE? | My Power of One

Do you ever feel … not enough? Most of us have moments when we’re pretty confident about ourselves, and others when we’re not so sure. And if we’re really honest, most of us find ourselves in the latter category more than the former, even if we try to pretend otherwise.

And while the Bible clearly teaches against any kind of pride or arrogance for God’s people, it also tells us again and again about how much God esteems humanity as His beloved creation. Even more, God makes it clear that His plan for accomplishing His grand design inextricably requires humanity to participate - each and every one of us. There is no one unable, ungifted, or unworthy to play a role … and every role is absolutely indispensable.

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Who's Your One? Grace Church Who's Your One? Grace Church

WHO’S YOUR ONE? | Mission Follows Value

We’re prone to think of “one” as small and insignificant. Who wants just one cookie? What is the value of only one dollar? What's the point of only watching one episode of a new series that stops on Netflix when you could watch ALL of them right now?

But the Bible consistently speaks of one: one pearl of great price, one lost sheep, one wayward son. Even more importantly, one Son of the living God and His incredible, singular sacrifice that opens the gates of heaven & eternal life.

As disciples of Jesus, we often overlook the value of one. One invitation to church, one message of hope, one neighbor, one coworker, one friend. When the looming shadow of sin & brokenness darkens the world around us, one seems so very small indeed. But there is a power to one that can shatter that dark, if we don't get in its way.

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Who's Your One? Grace Church Who's Your One? Grace Church

WHO’S YOUR ONE? | Mission Requires Motion

Perhaps you've heard the quote “Living ain't easy, but it sure is fun!” at some point in your life. While that can be true (and maybe often is for you), the fact remains that sometimes it simply isn't easy OR fun. Sometimes, life is just hard, unfair, or even cruel. And when times like that hit, we're faced with a choice: give up or push through.

Granted, it's much more complex than that binary, but that IS the baseline. And the decisions we make in those moments have everything to do with what we truly believe and in whom we truly believe. It's vitally important, then, to align our belief to real reality. What do we trust in, and in whom do we place our trust? It can literally be the difference between life & death.

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Who's Your One? Grace Church Who's Your One? Grace Church

WHO’S YOUR ONE? | Fan or Follower

Most of us could easily name a person who’s impacted us in a positive way. In fact, most of us could name more than a handful. And when we think of them, we could list several characteristics that we might even want to replicate in our own lives. But how many of us would say that we’re that person’s follower or disciple? We might be fans of them, but are we truly following them?

The reality is that our lives (way more than our words) will demonstrate if we really are following someone or something - that is, if we’re really a disciple of them. But what if there was someone who was more than just a good example, more than just a successful person, more than just an individual with stuff we might like to emulate? Would we be willing to really, really follow them? Or would we end up as just a fan.

#WhosYourOne #Disciple #FanOrFollower

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