Faith & Human Dignity

In a world that often seems to devalue human life, it's crucial to remember that every individual is created in the image of God. This means we need to honor and respect the profound dignity and worth of each human life - even of those with whom we profoundly disagree. We need to do this on the basis of many biblical principles that affirm each of our unique value and importance to God. And, if something or someone is important to God, it should be important to us, too.

Every human life is a precious gift from God. In a culture that often prioritizes convenience, pleasure, and personal gain above all else, we need to be reminded of the sacredness of life at every stage. The Bible teaches us to value and protect life, regardless of a person's circumstances or abilities, to see the inherent worth of every individual. And because of this, we need to celebrate that worth and value and dignity in a way that reflects God's love and compassion.

#Faith #HumanDignity #ImageOfGod #ImagoDei #WeDon’tTalkAboutThat

Message Series Description:

It's been said, over and over, that it's impolite to talk about religion or politics. And it seems that, as time has marched along, other topics have been added to that list: sexuality, racism, mental health, and more. These topics all tend to devolve into heated arguments, ad hominem attacks, and outright vitriol ... unless everyone already agrees on the issue! And the church has tragically leaned into this cultural phenomenon. 

Instead of talking about these sometimes controversial or volatile topics with nuance, grace, and truth, the church has often slipped into a position of simply not addressing them, talking about them in an un-Jesus-like way, or (even worse) getting it flat out wrong when it's discussed. And when this happens, obstacles and offenses are piled onto the gospel, making it that much harder for people to encounter Jesus and to accept His good news.  

But there is a better way, a way that holds tightly and rightly to truth, while effervescing with grace and compassion. This way IS the way of Jesus. And it is what we need to do rather than simply say, "We don't talk about that." This weekend we'll begin that conversation. 

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Faith & Abuse


Faith & Mental Health