Online Messages

We have a high-view of the Bible and base our teaching on what it says, finding relevant ways of communicating God’s eternal truths. But we also try to not take ourselves too seriously and have fun. We want you to be encouraged, blessed, and challenged by what God has shared with us!

Celebration Sundays, Priorities Grace Church Celebration Sundays, Priorities Grace Church

Celebration Sunday | November 2023

As we wrap up our series in the book of Haggai (focusing on our priorities) we also have the chance to engage in our latest Celebration Sunday, an opportunity to celebrate & worship God for all the good He’s done (and is doing!) in our lives.


Why do we do what we do? Often, it seems that we might just be going through the motions. Other times, it's like we're operating on autopilot. Perhaps we've gotten a glimpse of a future we want to see happen or even find ourselves motivated by more base instincts, like getting ahead or just taking care of our own selfish needs.

The best option, though, is that we have discovered a great value, a compelling REASON. Have you?

Because, if we do discover this, if we are compelled by this, then our priorities begin to align with the good and the right and we are able to out the fully human, fully joyful life God has planned for us.

#Priorities #FutureGlory #Celebrate #CelebrationSunday

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Celebration Sundays Grace Church Celebration Sundays Grace Church

Celebration Sunday | July 2023

What do you think of when you hear the word celebrate? In our culture, probably pictures of birthdays, weddings, holidays, and anniversaries spring to mind - times when people gathered to showcase the value & impact of something important to them. The key to any celebration is just that - pointing out the value of someone or something and then making some kind of to-do about it. For Jesus-followers, it's imperative that we remember to celebrate the One of utmost value & importance, the Savior who paid our debt and granted us abundant life today & for all eternity. Today we celebrate the God who loves us, worshiping in some unique ways. Let's face it - the best celebrations we can remember invariably include the people closest to us gathering together!

#Celebration #CelebrationSunday #Baptism

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