Online Messages

We have a high-view of the Bible and base our teaching on what it says, finding relevant ways of communicating God’s eternal truths. But we also try to not take ourselves too seriously and have fun. We want you to be encouraged, blessed, and challenged by what God has shared with us!

Sacred Words Grace Church Sacred Words Grace Church

sacred words | Peace

So often, when we think of peace, we imagine the lack of war or strife. And while this is true, as we look through the pages of Scripture, we discover that it is something deeper and richer than this. In fact, the coming of Jesus 2000 years ago on that first Christmas night was declared to be the very coming of peace to the world.

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Sacred Words Grace Church Sacred Words Grace Church

sacred words | love

One of the most prolific words in the English language is love. It is at the same time both theologically deep & rich and quite culturally confused. Understanding it can radically change how we view ourselves, others, and the world we live in. Misunderstanding it can bring a host of issues into our lives and into the lives of those around us. At Christmas, we’re told that love - true love - burst into our world as a humble baby. If we orient our lives around what that means, nothing will be the same.

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Sacred Words Grace Church Sacred Words Grace Church

sacred words | joy

In the US Declaration of Independence, we read the belief that all people have the right to “the pursuit of happiness” among other things. While not a legally binding decree, it lays the basis for why the United States were created and what is dear to her people. However, it is this very pursuit of happiness that has led many in a futile quest to always BE happy, leaving them crushed when it doesn’t happen how they anticipate it. In God’s economy, there seems to be a different (though related!) pursuit that can lead to a much better human experience - joy. And understanding what joy is and what nurtures it can make all the difference to each of us.

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Sacred Words Grace Church Sacred Words Grace Church

sacred words | faith

Faith is a word many of us use in a variety of situations. But there is a special kind of faith that the Bible talks about, a faith that changes eternities and brings light into dark places. And Christmas is the catalyst for that faith in ways that defy desciption.

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Sacred Words Grace Church Sacred Words Grace Church

sacred words | hope

What does it mean to hope? What is it based on? Can we trust it? It all depends on who (or what!) we’re depending on to bring it about, and the Bible is clear that we can all have hope for today and tomorrow with complete confidence if we know the One who can be counted on - JESUS.

#SacredWords #Hope #Christmas

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