Faith & Abuse

Even in an age and a culture that claims to talk about anything and everything, some things are still woefully suppressed and shamed when discussed. Unfortunately, what is hidden often grows, and, when evil is hidden, it consumes and destroys like uncontrolled cancer. So we need to ask: Have you ever been unjustly controlled, manipulated, or even physically hurt? Maybe by a family member, a friend, or someone in a position of authority? These experiences are real, painful, and leave lasting scars. 

But here's the thing: you are not alone. The Bible speaks directly to the issue of abuse, from the Old Testament stories of injustice to the New Testament teachings on love and compassion. Tragically, those who may have escaped the destructive ruin of abuse themselves can perpetuate abuse that has occurred by minimizing, excusing, or dismissing what others have endured. Thankfully, there are biblical truths that address all forms of abuse, including physical, emotional, sexual, and spiritual abuse. How does God view abuse, and how is humanity supposed to respond? 

#Faith #Abuse #ImageOfGod #WeDon’tTalkAboutThat

Message Series Description:

It's been said, over and over, that it's impolite to talk about religion or politics. And it seems that, as time has marched along, other topics have been added to that list: sexuality, racism, mental health, and more. These topics all tend to devolve into heated arguments, ad hominem attacks, and outright vitriol ... unless everyone already agrees on the issue! And the church has tragically leaned into this cultural phenomenon. 

Instead of talking about these sometimes controversial or volatile topics with nuance, grace, and truth, the church has often slipped into a position of simply not addressing them, talking about them in an un-Jesus-like way, or (even worse) getting it flat out wrong when it's discussed. And when this happens, obstacles and offenses are piled onto the gospel, making it that much harder for people to encounter Jesus and to accept His good news.  

But there is a better way, a way that holds tightly and rightly to truth, while effervescing with grace and compassion. This way IS the way of Jesus. And it is what we need to do rather than simply say, "We don't talk about that." This weekend we'll begin that conversation. 

If you are our guest or if there is something you'd like us to know, we'd like to get to connect with you! Please fill out our Connect Card.


Faith & Human Dignity