Online Messages

We have a high-view of the Bible and base our teaching on what it says, finding relevant ways of communicating God’s eternal truths. But we also try to not take ourselves too seriously and have fun. We want you to be encouraged, blessed, and challenged by what God has shared with us!

Running On Empty Brad Gromis Running On Empty Brad Gromis

RUNNING ON EMPTY | Running on Hope

When we were kids, almost all of us fought against our parents (to one degree or another) when it came to nap time. Regardless of how obviously tired we were, we raged against the one thing that we needed to fully enjoy the waking world around us - rest. As adults, we now long for a quick nap most days, yet we're “too busy” to take one … even though, again, it's what we need.

Our modern world has become frenetic and chaotic, constantly on the move. But we were never designed for this. We were designed from the beginning to rest - not just physically, but the whole totality of our beings. And God offers that way of rest to all of us, regardless of how busy or overwhelming our lives may seem. There is rest for you, rest for your very souls, if you're willing to enter into it.

#RunningOnEmpty #Rest #RunningOnHope #Easter

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Running On Empty Grace Church Running On Empty Grace Church


Boundaries are important. Everyone tells us this, and we tell each other the same. They help us to protect ourselves and our relationships. They can also help us to live in ways that are pleasing to God while still fully engaging in who who we are as individuals. In the Bible, Jesus tells us (Matthew 5.37) that our 'Yes' should be 'Yes' and our 'No' should be 'No' … in fact, He goes on to tell us, anything beyond this comes from the devil. Jesus calls us to be honest and direct with others about our expectations and boundaries.

Even so, boundaries can be difficult to set, but they are worth it. When we have healthy boundaries, we are better able to engage in a Jesus-following life that is pleasing to Him, beneficial to others, and fulfilling for ourselves. Figuring out how to do that is the challenge for each of us.

#RunningOnEmpty #Boundaries #EmptyEffort

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Running On Empty Grace Church Running On Empty Grace Church

RUNNING ON EMPTY | Empty Margins

I'm sorry, but I can't … I'm just too busy.”

If you're a human living in North America, you almost certainly can remember a time saying this or something very similar. And it's not that North America is the only place you encounter this, but it does seem like it's become something of cultural value here. We seem to idolize and perpetuate “busy” as a lofty goal and evidence of moral or character virtue.

But what if that isn't right? And what if the solution isn't simply taking a machete to our schedules? What if the margin we know is good has less to do with how much we're doing and way more to do with what, how, and why we're doing the things we do? What if rest isn't the same as inactivity?

#RunningOnEmpty #Margin #EmptyMargins

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Running On Empty Grace Church Running On Empty Grace Church

RUNNING ON EMPTY | Empty Rewards - Vol 2

In life, there are absolutes. There are things that are true at all times, in all places, and for all people. For sure, there will be different ways that these truths are applied or manifest, but truth is true objectively. In other words, it accurately corresponds to reality. When it comes to what we're fueling our tanks with, that means that what we put in matters, regardless of our intentions. The wrong fuel equates with poor performance, impacts the overall health of our entire system, and can even determine if we're able to move at all or simply stranded on the side of the road.

The Bible outlines for us some important principles about what fuels us. There are benefits for proper fuel and dangers associated with improper. And while the wrong fuel hinders or damages, the right kind can propel us powerfully forward into the purpose, design, and joy that God offers and wants for each of us.

#RunningOnEmpty #Margin #EmptyRewards

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Running On Empty Grace Church Running On Empty Grace Church

RUNNING ON EMPTY | Empty Rewards - Vol 1

If we’re honest, most of us struggle to know how to reasonably gauge our purpose & performance in life. The matrix we use is either so insanely complex that we never truly know how we're doing, so blatantly rudimentary that it's ineffective at best, or so wildly focused on the wrong metrics that we have no correct understanding of ourselves in this world. We end up chasing all sorts of activities and allegiances, never knowing if it's the right path for us or not, constantly trying something new or never changing from what we're already doing, whether good or bad.

So how DO we evaluate what we're supposed to be spending our fuel on? How do we determine what we say yes or no to in a world ever demanding our attention & resources? How do we create space on our plates when we're not sure what's supposed to be on them in the first place?

#RunningOnEmpty #Margin #EmptyRewards

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Running On Empty Grace Church Running On Empty Grace Church


One of the ways that many of us today describe ourselves is exhausted. We’re doing too much, too often. But life demands that, right? It’s just what it takes for us to exist in this fast-paced, busy world. If we don’t do it, who will? If I don’t make sure that I’m doing everything I can at every moment I can, things will fall apart, right?

Our world will answer “yes” to these questions, but God has a different design. God has ordered this world to be one that sees the greatest and the best taking place in the margins, in the space between our limits and our loads.

#RunningOnEmpty #Margin #EmptyLogic

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