WHO’S YOUR ONE? | My Power of One

Do you ever feel … not enough? Most of us have moments when we’re pretty confident about ourselves, and others when we’re not so sure. And if we’re really honest, most of us find ourselves in the latter category more than the former, even if we try to pretend otherwise.

And while the Bible clearly teaches against any kind of pride or arrogance for God’s people, it also tells us again and again about how much God esteems humanity as His beloved creation. Even more, God makes it clear that His plan for accomplishing His grand design inextricably requires humanity to participate - each and every one of us. There is no one unable, ungifted, or unworthy to play a role … and every role is absolutely indispensable.

#WhosYourOne #Disciple #MyPowerOfOne

Message Series Description:

What's most important to you? How do you know that? It's more than just interest or experience or preference. It's these, for sure, but it is so much more.

What's most important changes us. What's most important conforms us to its image. What's most important informs our choices and guides our direction. What's most important becomes the center of who we are, whether we recognize it or not. So what's most important to you?

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WHO’S YOUR ONE? | Good News, Bad News


WHO’S YOUR ONE? | Mission Follows Value