WHO’S YOUR ONE? | Mission Requires Motion

Perhaps you've heard the quote “Living ain't easy, but it sure is fun!” at some point in your life. While that can be true (and maybe often is for you), the fact remains that sometimes it simply isn't easy OR fun. Sometimes, life is just hard, unfair, or even cruel. And when times like that hit, we're faced with a choice: give up or push through.

Granted, it's much more complex than that binary, but that IS the baseline. And the decisions we make in those moments have everything to do with what we truly believe and in whom we truly believe. It's vitally important, then, to align our belief to real reality. What do we trust in, and in whom do we place our trust? It can literally be the difference between life & death.

#WhosYourOne #Disciple #MissionRequiresMotion

Message Series Description:

What's most important to you? How do you know that? It's more than just interest or experience or preference. It's these, for sure, but it is so much more.

What's most important changes us. What's most important conforms us to its image. What's most important informs our choices and guides our direction. What's most important becomes the center of who we are, whether we recognize it or not. So what's most important to you?

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WHO’S YOUR ONE? | Mission Follows Value


WHO’S YOUR ONE? | Fan or Follower