WHO’S YOUR ONE? | Mission Follows Value

We’re prone to think of “one” as small and insignificant. Who wants just one cookie? What is the value of only one dollar? What's the point of only watching one episode of a new series that stops on Netflix when you could watch ALL of them right now?

But the Bible consistently speaks of one: one pearl of great price, one lost sheep, one wayward son. Even more importantly, one Son of the living God and His incredible, singular sacrifice that opens the gates of heaven & eternal life.

As disciples of Jesus, we often overlook the value of one. One invitation to church, one message of hope, one neighbor, one coworker, one friend. When the looming shadow of sin & brokenness darkens the world around us, one seems so very small indeed. But there is a power to one that can shatter that dark, if we don't get in its way.

#WhosYourOne #Disciple #MissionFollowsValue

Message Series Description:

What's most important to you? How do you know that? It's more than just interest or experience or preference. It's these, for sure, but it is so much more.

What's most important changes us. What's most important conforms us to its image. What's most important informs our choices and guides our direction. What's most important becomes the center of who we are, whether we recognize it or not. So what's most important to you?

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WHO’S YOUR ONE? | My Power of One


WHO’S YOUR ONE? | Mission Requires Motion