RUNNING ON EMPTY | Empty Rewards - Vol 1

If we’re honest, most of us struggle to know how to reasonably gauge our purpose & performance in life. The matrix we use is either so insanely complex that we never truly know how we're doing, so blatantly rudimentary that it's ineffective at best, or so wildly focused on the wrong metrics that we have no correct understanding of ourselves in this world. We end up chasing all sorts of activities and allegiances, never knowing if it's the right path for us or not, constantly trying something new or never changing from what we're already doing, whether good or bad.

So how DO we evaluate what we're supposed to be spending our fuel on? How do we determine what we say yes or no to in a world ever demanding our attention & resources? How do we create space on our plates when we're not sure what's supposed to be on them in the first place?

#RunningOnEmpty #Margin #EmptyRewards

Message Series Description:

In our modern-day lives, most of us are running at a pace that has used up all the fuel in our tanks - the dashboard lights are flashing, the alarms are blaring. Yet, we still try to keep moving on at the same pace, ignoring the warning signs of life, even the admonitions of God, who designed us to operate in this life with an integrated balance of activity and non-activity, to produce and to simply be. Our modern lives in so many ways ignore this design (in the guise of many noble causes), and we end up missing out on the very existence God has planned for us. The simple fact of the matter is that many of us are Running on Empty, and it's killing the joy and purpose Jesus has for us.

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RUNNING ON EMPTY | Empty Rewards - Vol 2
