Find Meaning

One of the most basic, fundamental questions humanity asks is "Why?" From the minor & inconsequential to the most weighty of issues, we question the purpose in so much of life. We want to know the reasons behind decisions, actions, and circumstances. This is both good and hardwired in our very nature.

When things are bad, though, this can be especially daunting. We often feel like there can be no good or right or beneficial purpose to the less-than-good stuff that happens. This, too, is both understandable and comes from a good place. Evil should NOT  exist. Death is NOT supposed to be here. Suffering is NOT part of our design. But since evil, death, and suffering ARE all part of this life, there is a remarkable truth that there can still be purpose and meaning found DESPITE that reality. And that can be found in the most beautiful of places.

#Resilient #FindMeaning #PurposeInPain

Message Series Description:

The church must prioritize raising a generation of resilient disciples who can stand firm in their faith in an ever-changing and challenging world. True discipleship requires more than programs - it demands intentional, relational investment that nurtures a deep connection with Jesus and real-life, world-changing impact in our communities. By fostering environments where people can encounter God, build a strong biblical foundation, and form authentic relationships, we can all be prepared for a fearless future that boldly navigates the often treacherous waters of life. From what we do as community of faith to our individual pursuits of Jesus, we need to be resilient more today than ever before.

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