Strength & Love

We all love a good story. We read books, go to movies, and watch shows that tell us tales of adventure and intrigue and excitement. And the thing about stories is that they're only good if there's a problem, something to resolve or overcome. We love the hero, but every hero needs a villain. We tend towards these stories because we can vicariously join in the victory without the cost of the struggle

Real life, though, is different. It isn't a neatly crafted narrative where the good guys always win and the calamity is avoided in an episode or a quick series. In reality, we all have to face hardship, pain, suffering, and grief … and it takes something special to navigate these treacherous waters: a resilient faith. And it's way more than just gritting our teeth and bearing it. 

#Resilient #Strength #Love

Message Series Description:

The church must prioritize raising a generation of resilient disciples who can stand firm in their faith in an ever-changing and challenging world. True discipleship requires more than programs - it demands intentional, relational investment that nurtures a deep connection with Jesus and real-life, world-changing impact in our communities. By fostering environments where people can encounter God, build a strong biblical foundation, and form authentic relationships, we can all be prepared for a fearless future that boldly navigates the often treacherous waters of life. From what we do as community of faith to our individual pursuits of Jesus, we need to be resilient more today than ever before.

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