sacred words | joy

In the US Declaration of Independence, we read the belief that all people have the right to “the pursuit of happiness” among other things. While not a legally binding decree, it lays the basis for why the United States were created and what is dear to her people. However, it is this very pursuit of happiness that has led many in a futile quest to always BE happy, leaving them crushed when it doesn’t happen how they anticipate it. In God’s economy, there seems to be a different (though related!) pursuit that can lead to a much better human experience - joy. And understanding what joy is and what nurtures it can make all the difference to each of us.

#SacredWords #Joy #Christmas

Message Series Description:

Christmas has been called "The Most Wonderful Time of the Year," and it often is for many. It can delight and enthrall and cheer a weary soul.

However, it can also be a source of stress, whether from painful memories & experiences, its over-commercialization, worry & busy-ness, or any other number of reasons.

This year, let's step back and ponder and wonder anew at the deep truths and comforts that some of the SACRED WORDS of this season can bring: hope, faith, joy, love, & peace. And above all, let's explore the beauty of the most important word & figure of Christmas - Jesus.

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sacred words | love


sacred words | faith