Are You Ready?

This time of year, one of the most common phrases we hear is something akin to, “Are you ready?” The answers often allude to things like house preparations, shopping lists, gift wrapping, and sundry items related to celebrations and traditions wrapped up in the Christmas holiday. But, while all of those are good things to consider, none of them are the best way to answer that question.

2000 years ago, the whole of creation, whether aware or not, was desperately waiting for a singular event to take place - the arrival of a desperately needed Savior.  And the world was being asked a question then as we, too, are asked today: are you ready? Are we ready to face what it means that we do, in fact, need a Savior? Are we ready to wrestle with what it means for us to accept that rescue? How we respond to this substantively important, fundamental inquiry will radically impact our lives today and for the whole of the vast stretches of eternity.

#SomeoneIsComing #AreYouReady #Simeon #Anna #Christmas

Message Series Description:

Christmas should be a fun and exciting time - a time to celebrate with family and friends. But that is not all. For many people, Christmas is a time to remember the birth and life of a man called Jesus. Regardless of your practice, one thing that can be an unfortunate result of our traditions is that we begin to become TOO familiar, TOO casual about this time of the year. What should be a season laced with grand anticipation is muted with a shroud of routine. If we hearken back to the events that precipitated this venerated holiday, we can recapture the awe and eager excitement that it deserves.

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… and Has Already Come!


Some Say It’s Impossible