Some Say It’s Impossible

In the children's book (and subsequent movie), The Never Ending Story, the basic premise is that there is a grand, fantastical tale that one can read about and yet mysteriously be a part of - in fact, the inconceivable notion is that the reader is truly a main character. At one point, as this line between audience and participant begins to blur, the central character Bastion cries out, “But that's not possible!” 

And that's a common belief, even if unspoken, that many hold today when it comes to the story of Christmas. It can seem impossible that God could (or even would) set right the wrongs of this world (there are so many, after all) and that He would pay the cost Himself and become like we who do so much evil. It's even more incredulous that we would be invited to be part of this story. But that is exactly the truth of Christmas and the coming of Jesus into our world - even if some say that it's impossible. 

#SomeoneIsComing #SomeSayItsImpossible #Zechariah #Christmas

Message Series Description:

Christmas should be a fun and exciting time - a time to celebrate with family and friends. But that is not all. For many people, Christmas is a time to remember the birth and life of a man called Jesus. Regardless of your practice, one thing that can be an unfortunate result of our traditions is that we begin to become TOO familiar, TOO casual about this time of the year. What should be a season laced with grand anticipation is muted with a shroud of routine. If we hearken back to the events that precipitated this venerated holiday, we can recapture the awe and eager excitement that it deserves.

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