Fruit of the Spirit | SELF-CONTROL

One of the things you've probably heard more than once in your life is the phrase, "You're not the boss of me!" And yet, as much as we bucked against others controlling us, in all our bluster for being in control of ourselves, we often demonstrate an incredible lack of self-control. We to wrench control away from those who may have our best interests at heart (or maybe don’t!) in the guise of self-mastery, and we readily give control of ourselves to many other things that seek to destroy both body & soul. We’re not controlling ourselves … we’re just exchanging one master for another.

#FruitOfTheSpirit #selfCONTROL #HarderThanItLooks #TamingTheBeastWithin

Message Series Description:

There is a truth found in the Bible called "the fruit of the Spirit," a grouping of nine attributes that should be present in the lives of those who have chosen to follow Jesus and that the Holy Spirit works to develop in them. These nine (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, & self-control) come together in a Christian’s life to reflect a complete picture of the character of Jesus. They are mysteriously present as we align our choices with what the Holy Spirit prompts us towards, knowing that God empowers while we choose. This fruit is not meant to be kept to ourselves. It is meant to be shared by taking action on behalf of others.

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Celebration Sunday | July 2023


Fruit of the Spirit | GENTLENESS