Fruit of the Spirit | GENTLENESS

There are various virtues that many of us aspire to obtain or develop. Courage, determination, justice, wisdom, and the like all usually top the list. However, one of the virtues that is integral to the Christian life is often forgotten - or even derided. If we're really honest, not many of us aspire to be the gentlest person we know.

But at the same time, we want God (and others!) to be gentle with us. We want mercy, want a soft word rather than a harsh one, want comfort when we're hurting. So why is it that we yearn for this gentleness while being reluctant to pursue it in our lives? And if we're really, really honest, we might even admit that we look down when others are gentle with those who we've deemed worthy of the hammer.

#FruitOfTheSpirit #GENTLENESS #Humble #StrongHandsSoftTouch

Message Series Description:

There is a truth found in the Bible called "the fruit of the Spirit," a grouping of nine attributes that should be present in the lives of those who have chosen to follow Jesus and that the Holy Spirit works to develop in them. These nine (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, & self-control) come together in a Christian’s life to reflect a complete picture of the character of Jesus. They are mysteriously present as we align our choices with what the Holy Spirit prompts us towards, knowing that God empowers while we choose. This fruit is not meant to be kept to ourselves. It is meant to be shared by taking action on behalf of others.

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Fruit of the Spirit | SELF-CONTROL


Fruit of the Spirit | FAITHFULNESS