Soundtracks | Week 4

What gets you up in the morning? What motivates you to get going, to keep going, and not to give up? What excites you? What compels you forward day after day?

How you answer that will do much to tell you what you value, how much you value (or DON'T value) yourself, and what your outview on life is like. And too often, how we answer is based on things that don't matter as much as we think they do, on things that should not hold our ultimate allegiances, or on things that are simply unworthy for us to build our identity on.

Even so, there IS an answer that is worthy. There IS an answer that we all have within our reach. There IS an answer that checks every box & fulfills every qualification. There IS an answer that offers the purpose we all long for in the deep places of our soul.

#Sountracks #Promises #Purpose #NoFearOfEmptiness

Message Series Description:

Almost every TV show, movie, documentary, or anything we can stream or see on a screen has a soundtrack, something carefully chosen, curated, and crafted to impact your experience of whatever media you are consuming. In fact, much of what we watch would be downright weird if it had no underlying soundtrack to set the mood, to clue us into what’s happening, and to set the expectation for its audience about what’s taking place.

And the truth is, we ALL have our very own soundtracks, those things that we have set on repeat which guide how we SEE the world and how we ACT in the world. What would it look like if we created a playlist of those “greatest hits” of what God wants for us and lived like they were actually true?

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Soundtracks | Week 5


Soundtracks | Week 3