Silent Nights | Angels & Shepherds

The Christmas Season can impact us all in different ways. In fact, each of us individually experience this time in what can feel like contradictory ways - happiness, loss, nostalgia, pain, fear, excitement, worry, joy, isolation, and connectedness can all be felt by the same person at the same time. For as much as Christmas bears meaning & import on its own, we all bring our life stories, both the good AND the bad, into it.

And that first Christmas & those first participants were the same. Remarkably, the ones who most likely had the most reason to give into a fatalistic despair at that time provided the most beautiful response. A response not reasoned away or toned down with restraint, not tempered with a pressure to "just be realistic." A group of outcasts were the harbingers of the greatest news ever shared.

#SilentNights #SoundOfSilence #Advent #LOVE

Message Series Description:

What is your relationship with silence? Silence can impact us all in different ways. In fact, as we grow up, silence can take on a completely different role in our lives. When we are kids, silence can be boring or unwelcome - nothing to do or nothing going on is the last thing you want as a kid! But as an adult, silence can be something we crave, a break from the unrelenting busyness and noise of the everyday. For others, silence can be uncomfortable or even terrifying. It's different for each of us, and it changes over time.

But what about when it comes to our relationship with God? Sometimes, it may seem like God is moving and making things happen in our lives, yet, at other times, it might seem like He is absent or silent. How do we respond in these moments, when the silence appears deafening?

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Silent Nights | Wisemen & Us


Silent Nights | Simeon & Anna