seven | Suffering

One of the biggest questions that humanity wrestles with is the notion of why there is suffering. And right along with it is the question of what to do when we suffer. But the reality underneath it is that we ALL do suffer. Engaging that reality can be weighty, but there is a hope that overshadows the darkest of shadows.

#Seven #Suffering #Smyrna

Message Series Description:

For some people, the idea of church can be a comforting one. They have rich memories of time with family & friends, of encountering something Divine, of participating in the sacred.

For others, this same idea of church brings with it a history of shame or pain. They remember the abuse they felt by those claiming the name of Jesus or religion, the manipulation they experienced at the hands of those in leadership, the sting of judgmental looks & words.

For still others, church is a fully foreign idea, something that exists, but which has had no intersection with their lives.

Wherever you land on this spectrum (or somewhere else completely!), we’ll be looking at a series of ancient letters written to real churches in a real epoch of time in our Seven message series. We’ll discover that the same benefits & issues that have surrounded this idea of church have been present for nearly 2000 years. We’ll look at warts & scars, and we’ll see beauty & healing.


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seven | heresy


seven | first love lost