SECOND TO NONE | Our Fruit in Jesus

Growing up, many of us heard, “Sticks and stones can hurt your bones, but words can never hurt you.” Well-meaning adults would recite this adage to the young in an effort to comfort and encourage. But regardless of their intent, they were very wrong.

Sure, a mean word hurled at someone doesn't pierce flesh like a bullet, but it can inflict a different, even deeper wound. Proverbs 12.18a tells us: “Rash words are like sword thrusts.” No, that harsh word won't draw blood, but it can break the spirit. But the converse is true, as well: “But the tongue of the wise brings healing.” (Proverbs 12.18b) We can use our words to bring light into dark places and healing to hidden pains. God wants us to use our words (and our actions) to bring about good in this world.

#SecondToNone #Jesus #OurFruitInJesus #Prayer #Colossians

Message Series Description:

What do we do with the reality of Jesus - His life, His teaching, His example, His resurrection, all of it? In the Bible, the book of Colossians is the Apostle Paul's impassioned plea to a fledgling church in the ancient world, calling on these relatively new believers in Colossae to understand who Jesus really is - not just a great teacher or a good man, but the actual divine Son of God who created the entire universe! His big idea is that Jesus is supreme over everything, so we shouldn't get distracted by human traditions and rules when you've got the real truth right in front of you. If we want to grow spiritually, the Apostle claims, we've got to stay rooted in Christ and let Him transform our lives from the inside out - instead of just trying to follow a bunch of dos and don'ts. At the end of the day, living for Christ means putting on qualities like compassion, kindness, and forgiveness - that is, we've got to become more like Jesus each day of our lives.

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SECOND TO NONE | Our Fellowship in Jesus


SECOND TO NONE | Our Family in Jesus