Priorities | Forward, Not Backward

The older we get, the more we remember - and forget! But the truth is, we are often those who allow our nostalgia or other memories to affect how we operate today. While history & experience are wonderful counselors, they tend to be awful leaders. They can keep us looking backward, when God so very, very much wants us looking forward. It takes discipline & humility to let go of comparing what we have now to what once was. And the stark reality is that very often our memories of days gone by are colored by the very nostalgia that brings them to mind. In fact, there are a host of reels and memes on the the internet right now where Gen X'ers are replaying the lyrics from songs of "the good ol' days" in the 80's & 90's, only to discover that they are riddled with as much sketchy & unhealthy content as the contemporary music they lament.

Jesus calls us forward into His kingdom, and that direction will always be vastly more important than they memory of what has once been.

#Priorities #ForwardNotBackward #HisDirection #HisKingdom

Message Series Description:

In our fast-paced world, it's easy to lose sight of our priorities. We often get caught up in the whirlwind of daily demands, neglecting the most important aspects of life. However, the Bible offers valuable insights into the consequences of misplaced priorities and the blessings that come with aligning our focus with God's will. A short collection of four ancient calls to center & focus our lives, the book of Haggai serves as a timeless reminder of the importance of aligning our priorities with God's plan.

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Priorities | Facing Our Faults


Priorities | First Things First