Pray First | Week 4

What do you do when something is hard? When something that should be easy takes too much effort? When you’ve given it a go, but it seems like no progress has been made? Well, if you’re like most of humanity … you’ll tend to quit. In fact, the J-Curve theory of behavioral change states that when we try to do something like form a new, healthy habit, things will usually get worse before we see the benefit of that change.

And unfortunately, most people tend to quit the new direction soon after the “worse” begins. If we want to see the benefit of the new, we have to bear through the pain that accompanies it - not something most of us are particularly good at doing. The same is true for us as we try to grow in our practice of prayer. It is usually harder at first. We often fail more than we succeed in our plans. But in the end (if we DO bear through it), the payoff is a richness of relationship with God that defies description.

#PrayFirst #Persistence #Patience #Piety #Fasting

Message Series Description:

One of the oldest, most universal religious practices is prayer. It’s the connection between the divine and humanity, whether formal or spontaneous, and is found in virtually every faith practice known, in one form or another. Yet with how common it seems to be, it’s often one of the most neglected practices for those who follow Jesus. While we’ll learn about God, talk about God, even surround ourselves with God-related things, the actually connection between us and our Savior can be quite … tenuous. Discovering what prayer really is and how we can engage with it will transform our faith from a stale religion into a vibrant relationship with the Author of the cosmos.

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Soundtracks | Week 1


Pray First | Week 3