Fruit of the Spirit | GOODNESS

Am I good enough? It may be an awkward question, especially out of context, but it's one that most of us wrestle with more often than we might like to admit - we wrestle with thoughts of our performance, worth, value, and significance, constantly evaluating (even if not consciously) if we've made the mark.

For the Jesus-following person - that's where real hope can spring forth. Jesus offers to make us good enough, not based on our merits, but on His. He offers HIS goodness to us, securing our forever home with God on HIS credentials. For us, it's a simple act of faith that unlocks eternity for us.

And yet, the life of a Christian is also one that is to be radically marked by goodness on our part, a response to His goodness. For us, the question changes from How can I be good enough? to How can I share the goodness of Jesus with others since He's given me His own?

#FruitOfTheSpirit #GOONESS #NeverEnough #AlreadyEnough

Message Series Description:

There is a truth found in the Bible called "the fruit of the Spirit," a grouping of nine attributes that should be present in the lives of those who have chosen to follow Jesus and that the Holy Spirit works to develop in them. These nine (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, & self-control) come together in a Christian’s life to reflect a complete picture of the character of Jesus. They are mysteriously present as we align our choices with what the Holy Spirit prompts us towards, knowing that God empowers while we choose. This fruit is not meant to be kept to ourselves. It is meant to be shared by taking action on behalf of others.

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Fruit of the Spirit | FAITHFULNESS


Fruit of the Spirit | KINDNESS