The Perfect Signpost | JESUS

The universal human longings for the things like truth, justice, love, & beauty are all genuine signposts to the fact that we humans are made by a good and wise Creator. But we so often find that each one of them is “broken.” They fail to deliver on what they appear to promise. Or perhaps we should say, we fail to deliver. However, there is one thing, one who, that never fails, who has shown that to which all the good in this world (broken though it may be) points. This perfect signpost, this Jesus, gives hope and life and a future

#BrokenSignposts #JESUS #Easter #ThePerfectSignpost

Message Series Description:

Every world view must explain seven “signposts,” indicators inherent to humanity: Justice, Spirituality, Relationships, Beauty, Freedom, Truth, & Power. If we do not live up to these ideals, our societies & individual lives become unbalanced, creating anger & frustration - negative emotions that divide us from ourselves & from God. In our world, each signpost is often fractured & damaged, and the Bible offers us the vision, guidance, & hope for making them whole once again, ultimately healing ourselves & our world.

(Thanks to N.T. Wright for his incredible work on this subject, Broken Signposts.)

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Broken Signposts | POWER