Current US demographic statistics show that over 50% of adults (16 years and older) are single … the first time this has happened in our nation’s history. If this is so, why is it that we so rarely hear messages or programs geared towards this vast subset of the population. Today, Dennis Foreman speaks to this group as one of them … of which he’s been a part for the entirety of his life. Find out what it means that singleness can truly be a gift, even if it doesn’t look like it one the surface.

#ALLinTHEfamily #Singleness

Message Series Description:

People are not only sacred but also SOCIAL. How we organize our society (in economics, politics, law, policy, neighborhoods, etc) directly affects human dignity and the capacity of individuals to grow in community. Within this all, the family is the central social institution that must be supported and strengthened, not undermined. In fact, family is the original community, instituted by God in His creation, and it pictures for all of us (regardless of our own history with marriage or family) how God intended this world to function. Let's explore how that informs us today, even when it DOESN'T work the way its intended.

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